Welcome to my blog! Every week or so, I post an article on something involving wicked problems in peacebuilding or comparative politics. I define those fields very broadly, so you’ll probably be surprised by some of the topics I end up covering.

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Recent Posts

Let’s Build Something Together

July 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on Let’s Build Something Together

I've stolen Lowe's tag line from the late 2000s as a jumping off point for how I'm planning to adapt my on line work so it can help us build peace--and a whole lot more--together.

Politics is NOT a Four Letter Word

July 15th, 2024|Comments Off on Politics is NOT a Four Letter Word

How can we embrace our political differences, not run away from them? Especially given the events of last Saturday?

Rondine Rides to the Rescue

June 6th, 2024|Comments Off on Rondine Rides to the Rescue

I hsd a wild week visiting Rondine. Much wilder than expected. Read this to learn how and why.

Off to Rondine

May 27th, 2024|Comments Off on Off to Rondine

We are off to Rondine this afternoon. My travel plans rarely interest other people. But this trip made me reflect in ways that you might find intriguing--even useful.

The Peacebuilding Pivot: Take 2

April 15th, 2024|Comments Off on The Peacebuilding Pivot: Take 2

Here is an overview of the first organizations we are working with in Peacebuilding Starts at Home.

Super Crowd Baltimore

March 25th, 2024|Comments Off on Super Crowd Baltimore

Last week, I attended the amazing Super Crowd event in Baltimore.

The Peace on Earth by 2030 Game

March 19th, 2024|Comments Off on The Peace on Earth by 2030 Game

This intriguing not-so-gamey game can do a lot to get millions of people actively involved in peacebuilding.

Peacebuilding Starts at Home

February 26th, 2024|Comments Off on Peacebuilding Starts at Home

The Alliance for Peacebuilding is pleased to announce the launch of the Peacebuilding Starts at Home initiatiave.

Devin Thorpe

February 12th, 2024|Comments Off on Devin Thorpe

This is the third in a series of posts on new people and organizations I've met since the pandemic began. This time, Devin Thorpe of Superpower4Good anda. lot more.

The Next Big Idea Club

January 29th, 2024|Comments Off on The Next Big Idea Club

The Next Big Idea Club is a wonderful way to stay up on the best new nonfiction books.

Meet Roland Cayrol

January 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on Meet Roland Cayrol

A reflection on the man who made my PhD research on the French far left possible. ANd therefore my career.

The Rondine Method

December 12th, 2023|Comments Off on The Rondine Method

Last week, I hosted a launch event for The Rondine Method, a book I coedited with Franco Vaccai and Miguel Diaz. In tis post, I look at the book and its implications for a country like the United States.

Join or Die

November 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Join or Die

My reactions to a documentary about social capital told through the career of Robert Putnam and some ideas on enhancing social trust from Rotary and Geneva Peace Week.

When Zebras Become ProSocial

October 25th, 2023|Comments Off on When Zebras Become ProSocial

Last weekend, I attended Zebras Unite's DazzleCon and met with the folks from ProSocial. What fun.

Community Mediation–Year 2

October 6th, 2023|Comments Off on Community Mediation–Year 2

My take on community mediation after attending this year's NAFCM board meeting and assembly.

Thinks like a Commoner/Act Like a Commoner

September 5th, 2023|Comments Off on Thinks like a Commoner/Act Like a Commoner

In this post, I take the idea of the commons beyond the way it has historically been used and explore how it could help in broader social change efforts.

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