Resource Material–COVID 19
The COVID 19 epidemic has changed all of our lives in ways few of us could have predicted at the end of 2019–unless, perhaps, if we were epidemiologists.
Many of us are stuck at home trying to cope with what’s happening. Many who are not fortunate enough to be able to work from home and draw a paycheck are struggling to get by. The rest of us are still struggling to make sense of what’s going on.
I’ve been an activist, academic, and peacebuilder for more than fifty years, and I’m still struggling which I hope is conveyed by this picture my wife took of me as I donned the mask she made for me and headed for my daily walk on our nearly deserted suburban streets.
As is my wont, I’ve been keeping up with the news–at times more often I should for my mental health.
So, I decided to post material I found particularly helpful for my work as a peacebuilder. If you know of items you think should be added to the list, click here to send me an email.
COVID 19 and its Impact on Local Peacebuilding
Peace Direct, Humanity United, and Conducive Space for Peace wrote this terrific, but very depressing report on how much the pandemic disrupted the work of local peacebuilders by early April 2020. It will almost certainly get worse.
Psycho-Social Survival Guide
Under the leadership of Nick Sherwood, my colleagues at George Mason’s Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation are developing tools and resources for peacebuilders in the field to use in surviving the crisis and its impact on their work. Here is a link to Nick’s first guide. More will follow.
A Thoughtful Discussion
My friends Sanjana Hattotawa and Helena Puig Larrauri recently held a half hour long discussion on the implications of the pandemic for peacebulding, which is the best of the dozens I’ve seen so far.