Can Peacebuilders Demand Justice?
How can peacebuilders work for social justice as well as peace?
How can peacebuilders work for social justice as well as peace?
Advocacy and Peacebuilding The Peacebuilder's Dilemma In the last few months, I've been involved in dozens of discussions about creating a peacebuilding architecture in the United States. No matter what the topic or venue we keep running into a dilemma. How do we reconcile two goals that seem to conflict with each other that [...]
An Architecture for American Peacebuilding Last week, two of my AfP colleagues and I joined about 70 other people at George Mason University’s Point of View retreat center to take the first steps toward building what we are calling an “architecture for peace” in the United States. The conference was run held using strict Chatham House [...]
How peacebuilders deal with power is an increasingly important question, especially when we work in our own country and deal with issues that touch us personally.