Crowdfunding 22
Crowdfunding is a new way to raise equity funding for companies, including those working for radical social change.
Crowdfunding is a new way to raise equity funding for companies, including those working for radical social change.
Social Therapy Apologies in advance. This started out as a simple blog post to try out an idea that I think has legs, definitely needs a lot more thought, and might be controversial. But, as you’ll see two seemingly random events complicated things, convinced me that the topic was even more important [...]
Last weekend, I found a new community which I will be working with for the indefinite future. I'm not giving up on my third tribe--peacebuilding. Just adding a new and complementary one. This blog lays out how and why I am dong so. pst
I'm delighted to announce the soft launch of the Connect the Dots Community, a network of organizations I'm assembling that want to change the world by doing just what the name suggests.