Innovation Beyond Peacebuilding
This is the first of two posts on innovation in and beyond peacebuilding. I build off of a visit from two sets of friends and two formal sessions we held.
This is the first of two posts on innovation in and beyond peacebuilding. I build off of a visit from two sets of friends and two formal sessions we held.
Locally led peacebuilding is the current fad in our field. Hopefully, it won't turn into a fly by night fad like hula hoops or lava lamps. Locally led projects should be here to stay. Nonetheless, they are not enough. To see why both of those statements are true, keep reading.
We held PeaceCon 2019 last week. I obviously couldn't go to everything. But here are my takeaways on the basis of the sessions I was able to attend--and from the wonderful people I got to meet.
I got an unexpected (and very funny) lesson in how to teach about empathy this weekend. While planning for a funeral no less.