Changing the (Coronavirus) Narrative
This is the first of four blog posts on the lessons we could and should be learning from the pandemic to amplify peacebuilding and related work after it ends.
This is the first of four blog posts on the lessons we could and should be learning from the pandemic to amplify peacebuilding and related work after it ends.
Starting with an internet meme my sister sent me, I explore the ways we can use the coronavirus epidemic to speed up the shift in the way we think from "me" first to "we" first. And, like the spread of the virus itself, maybe do at an exponential rate of growth.
One Peacebuilder's Take on the Coronavirus Sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we meet it determines our future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, every form of life has been called upon to meet such crises.--Robert Collier This statement was in an email sent [...]
Identity issues have long been at the heart of both fields I work in--peacebuilding and comparative politics. Although I'll limit myself to peacebuilding here, the ways we define who "we" are go a long way toward causing so many of the problems we face in the world today but also point us toward ways we can solve those problems.